Related Videos Your FICO credit score, a number between 300 and 850, is used by lenders as an indication of whether or not you’ll be likely to repay your debts. Since your credit score affects everything from your ability to get a credit card to your ability 3 credit Wilmington to secure a mortgage, knowing what can make your credit score go down is crucial. One of the most common reasons people see their credit score go down is a late payment. Lenders who look at your credit report can see if you are 30, 60, 90, or more days delinquent on an 3 credit Wilmington account. If you’re significantly late with a payment, expect to 3 credit Wilmington see your credit score go down. free government credit report For 3 credit Wilmington this reason, consumers with a past history of tardiness may decide to take advantage of the automatic bill 3 credit Wilmington paying services offered by many banks. Since 15% of your credit score is based on the length of your credit history, having only new accounts in your name can make your credit score go down. For this reason, younger consumers tend 3 credit Wilmington to have slightly lower credit scores than their older counterparts even if all other factors are equal. free check credit report
To boost your score, 3 credit Wilmington avoid continually closing old accounts.
Even if you have a credit card you seldom use, leave the account open so lenders see it as a longstanding part of your credit history. The amount of credit inquiries made on your 3 credit Wilmington report can also make your credit score go down. This is because lenders believe you may be planning to go on spending spree if you’re trying to open several new accounts in a short period of time.
To keep your score up, don’t apply for credit cards or loans unless they are absolutely necessary. However, since personal inquiries won’t affect your credit score, it’s fine to request a copy of your credit report on a regular basis in order to check for discrepancies or signs of identity theft. credit report request While bankruptcy can provide a fresh start for those in serious financial trouble, 3 credit Wilmington filing for bankruptcy will make your credit score go down significantly.
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